Taquitos Dorados Recipe - for Golden Taco Rolls
Properly golden fried tacos rolled up with chicken and topped with crème fraîche or sour cream and fresh salad not only look incredibly good, but also taste crispy, creamy, fresh...
Properly golden fried tacos rolled up with chicken and topped with crème fraîche or sour cream and fresh salad not only look incredibly good, but also taste crispy, creamy, fresh...
Today we present you a refreshing recipe for Cocktail de Cameron. This dish originated in the federal city of Campeche, Mexico, and is a perfect appetizer for a Mexican dinner...
Welcome to an exciting culinary journey into the world of Mexican chili peppers! Mexican cuisine is famous for its vibrant flavors and rich use of a wide variety of chilies....
Discover the exciting world of Mexican cuisine with our irresistible Mexican Tortilla Soup! Juicy Roma tomatoes, garlic and onion are roasted to release their full flavor.
A particularly delicious and exotic taco recipe is tacos with beef tongue, or Tacos de Lengua de Res. It may sound unusual, but the tender and flavorful tongue of beef...
Churros with plum compote are a delicious combination of crispy, fried dough sticks and sweet and sour plum compote. This dessert is easy to prepare and perfect for a cozy...
How do chicken, rice, chocolate and various chili peppers go together? In this case, it all combines for sure to a treat. To this you can add avocado and Corn Tortillasto...
Tamales are a largely unknown treasure of Mexican food culture in Europe. Considering their popularity in their home country, this is quite astonishing. Mexican cooking with Rarotonga shows you one...
The sweet side of Mexico is discovered especially at breakfast. Crêpes or pancakes with berries and sweet toppings, such as the cajeta, which because of its syrup consistency made from...
For fall, winter and spring, this vegan recipe for a fortifying yet light yam soup has you covered. With the cheese Queso Costeño from the brand Bajo Grande a delicious meal is ahead that...
Recipe overview. At MexicoMiAmor.de we have made it our goal to bring the inimitable Mexican attitude to life and the authentically optimistic Mexican culture to this country. Find here all...
This time we present you the recipe of fruit and vegetable combination with chili powder and chamoy.Frutas Locas - are popular in Mexico on warm days and also very nice to...
Sopes are small round corn dough bowls that can be garnished with various delicacies. They are somewhat reminiscent of tortillas, but are a bit thicker and have a molded edge...