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Crêpes with Cajeta and Berries Recipe

Rezeptbild Crepes mit Cajeta und Beeren

The sweet side of Mexico is discovered especially at breakfast. Crêpes or pancakes with berries and sweet toppings, such as the cajeta, which because of its syrup consistency made from goat's milk is also popular with people who want to avoid cow's milk and also creates a heavenly caramel flavor experience.

You simply dose the cajeta, which is also available in variations with vanilla, for example, as you like and combine it with other garnishes, such as fruit, chocolate shavings, cream or ice cream.

Another recipe video from Rarotonga - Mexican Cooking explains you step by step what you need for the dessert dish. Thanks that we may share the video from their YouTube channelat this place.

You can find the recipe video for Crêpes with Cajeta and berries here and further below the steps again in text form.

Disclaimer:The information given by Rarotonga in her video about health or healing / healthy effects of food and beverages are the private opinion of the author of the video responsible for the content - we as recommend the products exclusively for the taste and do not give any health recommendation at this point.

And now follows the text version of the recipe for the crepes from Mexico.

Ingredients (for about 5 Crepês)

  • 94g wheat flour
  • 35g coconut flour (or flour of your choice, in 75% to 25% mix).
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tablespoon oil (Rarotonga used olive oil)
  • 1/2 teaspoon unrefined sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • Cajeta de Leche de Cabra von Real del Potosi
  • Optional: whipped cream
  • Optional: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants or fruit of your choice
  • Optional: prepare in a Comal / flat pan like the one you find also in our shop
  • A little butter for brushing the pan before cooking so that nothing sticks

Crepes mit Cajeta Sahne und Beeren Bild

    Preparation of the Crêpes

    1. Dough preparation: In a bowl, mix the flour and coconut flour. Add the egg, sugar, cornstarch, oil and salt.

    2. Add milk and mix well with a mixer on high speed, adding in small amounts if necessary. No lumps should remain. Then let the dough rest for another 10-20 minutes.

    3. Brush crêpe pan or comal with a little butter so they don't stick and are easy to flip later. Heat pan over medium-high to high heat. Add some of the batter mixture and spread with a batter spreader or spatula.

    4. Allow to bake for approx. 45 seconds. Turn.

    5. Arrange on a plate, spread with cajeta. Optionally fold in half, then fold in half again. Spread again with cajeta. Whip the cream and place on top of the crepes and garnish with berries.

    6. Recommendation: Try other ingredients or sauces according to your taste. Also hearty Crêpes with chorizo, queso / cheese or ham are possible.

    Bon Appetite!

    Rarotonga, as always thank you for the video and the recipe for which you have put a lot of effort, we wish you more subscribers on your YouTube Channel (Link) or more followers on your Instagram Account (Link), so that you will bring us many more videos.

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